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The Community Hall is organising a Harvest Festival Weekend to coincide with the full Harvest Moon (16th September).  The Weekend’s activities will include:

Friday 16th September 2016

‘The Moo Man’ a heart-warming, tear-jerking documentary film at The Community Hall about a maverick farmer and his feisty herd of 55 cows. Doors open 7pm for chilli & rice, film commences 7.45pm. £5pp, pay bar.

Saturday 17th September 2016

A Village Show in The Community Hall grounds, from 12 noon to 4pm.


Competitions for adults and children (for more information please see downloadable entry form,  ‘List of Competitions’ and see latest Take 5 centre pages), official opening of The Lywood Collection, animals for petting, old & new tractors, kids activities, pop-up shops, play area, live music, inter-village tug of war, pay bar and hot dogs.


In the evening, a harvest-influenced Concert with Nicky Russell and friends at St James Church; £7pp, 7pm for canapes and a glass of wine (+ pay bar), concert starts at 7.45pm. 

Sunday 18th September 2016

Harvest Festival service at St James Church at 11pm including the Take 5 community choir, immediately followed by the Harvest Festival lunch at The Community Hall, starting at 12.30pm. £5pp, to include lunch, pay bar.

IMPORTANT NOTE - TICKETS:  Please reserve places (then pay on the door) for all paying events so we know the catering requirements (all of which will be provided by local volunteers). Contact Suzie Cleveland –, 07979 256078, to reserve places by 12th September.

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